Thread Milk

Streamline your floss with Thread Milk. This is a floss organization tool, compatible with all brands of embroidery and cross stitch floss. Thread Milk is ten heavy-duty chipboard milk caps on a steel ring, embellished with a handmade Thread Milk glass bezel and a charm. This is a high-quality floss organizaton tool with vintage flare.

Thread Milk

Thread Milk (back)

Thread Milk with floss

Additional milk caps are available for your Thread Milk. 50 milk caps per pack.

Front and back view of additional Thread Milk milk caps.

"I love my floss organization. All of my floss (cottons, DMC, Anchor, Cosmo, hand-dyed, and silk) are loaded on Thread Milk milk caps. Kitting projects has never been easier, or more fun!"
-Lori Wilson
Thread Milk Design Founder
Thread Milk is a great gift for all of your stitchy friends!